While touring the Cleveland Museum of Art a must see piece is “Old Glory” By James Bassler. This piece stands out next to the earthly colored other pieces of the collection due to its vibrant colors. The piece is an American flag stained with a brownish black color where the word oil can clearly stand out and the less clear letters are an “s” and an “ed” on either side of oil forming the word soiled. When I saw this piece I immediately thought of the War on Terror and speculations by many that the only reason for U.S. involvement in the Middle East is for oil. However, I found that I was incorrect although it is still currently applicable to current day events the art was done in 1992 long before the war on Terror was going on. Thus leading one to the conclusion that, this piece of art was done in protest to the U.S spearheading the Gulf War.
This is a very strong piece of propaganda clearly protesting the Gulf War. It speaks very loudly catching the eyes of Americans with the patriotic flag and the vibrant red, white, and blue. Then Bassler takes that image and flips it on the viewer by staining the flag with oil. In the oil the words oil and soiled clearly pop out. This is a protest by Bassler claiming that the Gulf War was for the soul purpose of oil. This quest for oil soiled the U.S.A. by partaking in unjust and greedy activities.
This piece stood out to me because I do not agree with it at all. It is the military force of the U.S. that allows people such as James Bassler to voice his option in such a manner and live the life he does. However, in no way shape or form am I saying that a citizen should never question the acts of those who govern him or her. The Gulf War was a protection of Kuwait from the over aggressive Iraq invasions. Iraq was taking Kuwait’s land and killing its people the U.S. including many other allied forces fought the Iraq forces to restore Kuwait. The U.S was not interested in the Oil supply so much as preserving another cultures way of life. If one has the ability to do what is good, they have the responsibility to act; this is exactly what the U.S. was doing.